Welcome to the DrinkNS(dry) website! This is effectively here so that I can start hosting the “Ross and a Beer” show as a podcast, and James helped me do that here at unsupervised.ca, but gave me the even cooler ‘unsupervised.beer’ suffix. I’m stoked.
Ian will be back, joining me! We’ll still be doing the same silly standards of beer drinking and face talking that we’ve brought to the droves of fans over on facebook live, but NOW the added bonus of being able to listen as a podcast seems to be the in thing. Is this what hipsters do on public transit? I assume so. Trouble is, they all like IPAs, so maybe this won’t be a match made in heaven.
So big thanks to James for helping me set this all up. There may be more growing pains, hopefully I’ll get back to editing the youtube videos, but we can showcase them here, as well, but the podcast is a new thing, this WEBSITE is a new thing, and hopefully I’ll not lose my interest. In beer? The HELL, you say. I mean we’re 90 episodes in, so…
As an added bonus, enjoy the picture of “the server” running this site and podcast, from James:
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